Comprehensive Healthcare Technology Solutions
Network Data Source offers mobility solutions through leading healthcare mobility manufacturers. Is your mobile cart fleet out of warranty? Find out how we can provide refresh options through upgrades and trade-ins. Once upgraded, you’ll enjoy the benefits of our comprehensive integration support and on-going product maintenance tailored to your needs. Our healthcare technology solutions will keep your healthcare mobile carts updated and running smoothly.
Integrating Healthcare IT Services
As healthcare technology advances and changes, it is essential that you keep up with it. By integrating mobile technologies into your healthcare services, you are able to increase your patients’ well-being. To help you keep all this technology up and running, we offer complete healthcare IT services.
We take care of all of your mobile carts and integrated healthcare systems to ensure they are working correctly for you and your patients. In addition, we offer telemedicine services to make it easier to connect with patients even out of the office as well as respond more quickly to medical emergencies.
The Future of Medical Date Recording
As a healthcare professional, are you tired of having to deal with multiple files for your patient records? With an integrated record keeping system, this is no longer an issue. Gone are the days of numerous file folders and illegible notes, instead you have a comprehensive database with detailed information and a clean user interface.
With our record-keeping and medical logistic services, finding information on your patient is a breeze. Additionally, tracking their prescriptions and medications is also made simpler, minimizing the risk of unforeseen interactions.
Complete Network Services
When you hire Network Data Source for your facility’s information technology needs, you are gaining access to a complete and comprehensive IT solutions company. We take care of everything your data network needs to function, from running cables to installing your new systems to training your staff on the new equipment.
If you already have a well-built network, our technicians will ensure it is maintained correctly. Additionally, we offer upgrades and trade-ins on your outdated tech to ensure you are getting the best for your patients.
The Benefits of Telemedicine
One of the key reasons to invest in a healthcare network for your practice is for the use of telemedicine. This new technique uses telecommunications and information technology to provide health care from a distance. Through telemedicine, you are able to provide your patients with comprehensive clinical advice and treatments even if they are not able to visit you directly. This technology also aids in dealing with emergency situations at remote locations, helping to ensure success for your patient.
While initially telemedicine was handled through just the telephone, modern systems integrate video conferencing with advanced diagnostics supported through IT applications. To learn more about the advantages telemedicine brings to your patients, reach out to our office. Our staff is always happy to answer your questions.
Contact us for all of your healthcare information technology needs. We proudly serve customers.